Ponytail palm

by ZilavDoucette
(Toronto, Ontario, canada)

How would you suggest transferring this plant from soil to water and leca balls?

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Transferring Pony Tail Palms to Hydroponics
by: hydroguy

Pony tail palms do very well in hydroponics. But you need to be carefule during the transition.
Those new roots need air!
1. The new hydro pot should be the same size - or slightly smaller than the soil pot so it dries out evenly.
2. The hydro pot needs to have drainage holes at the bottom.
3. Be stingy with the water for the first 4-6 weeks.
Water transplant by taking plant the sink and simply pouring water through the pebbles - no standing water at the base.
After 4-6 weeks start using the water gauge but always be sure the plant has used up all its water before adding more. In fact I usually waiting for a week or more with no water at the base before rewatering. That fat base at the plant stores water for the plant so be stingy with the water.
Good Growing!

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