Insects and Houseplants
 - Aphids

Most pests avoid light and prefer the undersides of leaves or dark crevices down inside the plant. Not aphids. These bold little creatures work right out in the open on the leaves and stems.

Usually less than an 1/8th inch long, aphids are easy to spot. Typically green or black, they feed by piercing the plant and sucking out the moisture leaving behind stunted growth.

A single adult female can reproduce without a mate and typically gives birth to 60-100 young every day for a period of 20 to 30 days.

Controls for Aphids

Aphids prefer new growth making them easier to see than most insects.

Neem Oil is an effective control for ahpids. Mix 1 TBLS of Neem Oil in 1 quart of water in sprayer. Add a drop of dish soap to help the Neem Oil mix with water. Shake thoroughly.

Note: Neem is effective for only 12 hours after mixing

neem oil

Buy Neem Oil

  1. Spray plant leaves thoroughly.
  2. Supporting plant with one hand, gently dislodge the aphids with your thumb and forefinger.
  3. Spray pebbles.
  4. Spray grow pot.
  5. Rinse with clear water.
  6. Repeat once a week for 3 weeks even if you don't see insects. 

Mealy Bugs


Spider Mites
