Why Hydroponics?

Because it's clean and easy! You'll get better results growing with hydroponics - with less work! 

Fresh basil growing in a 5" hydroponic planter

Herbs get their aroma and flavor from the sun.

More sun - more flavor!

Plants growing in direct sun demand close attention however. Plants use more water in sun and the heat bakes the moisture out of the pot. Growing in soil your plants might need watering every day.

Miss a day and your plants suffer (and sometimes die).

It's heartbreaking to lose plants you've been nurturing for weeks just because you missed a day of watering!


Dehydrated herbs growing in soilGrowing plants in a sunny window can be a tricky business.

Herbs are also magnets for insects. Especially if the plant is under stress from incorrect watering.

Healthy plants have a natural resistance to pests. But if your plant is stressed that natural resistance disappears and your plant quickly becomes a haven for insects. They multiply quickly when you're not looking and suddenly you have a big problem.

Growing Herbs with Hydroponics

No more wilting, stressed out plants with our system!

Our hydroponic planters have a reservoir that stores water that the plants can use as needed.

Hydroponic herbs - diagram of hydroponic system
Replaces other soil. Cleanier, easier to use. Less root decay.
Tells you when to water Eliminates overwatering.
Designed for maximum air flow at the roots.
Watertight Decorative Outer Pot holds nutrient solution for plant
Plants get everything they need for strong healthy growth. No fertilizer runoff or buildup.
Allergy Free People with allergies can grow plants for the first time! LECA pebbles are a sterile ceramic - no mold or bacteria.

Easy Watering

Water once every 1-2 weeks! No more daily watering. Our system holds enough water to last up to 2 weeks!

Hydroponic Herbs - closeup of water gauge in hydroponic planter

A water gauge tells you when and how much to water. No more guessing! With our system you'll get watering right every time!

A decoratve outer pot holds the water while the LECA pebbles pull up nutrient solution to the plant safely and evenly. At the same time, openings between the pebbles promote maximum air circulation around the roots.

Get Rid of That Soil !!!

Hydroponics replaces soil with unique clay pebbles (called LECA) that are a clean and easy to use.

Hydroponic Herbs - growing mediaLECA pebbles

LECA stands for Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate. They're a man-made sterile ceramic that won't decompose or decay. But more importantly they have unique "capillary properties" that wick the nutrient solution up to the plant from the reservoir at the bottom of the pot as needed.

LECA pebbles provide the ideal mix of air and moisture to the roots. No more decomposing dirt, mold, or bacteria.

With LECA pebbles there's never any rot or decay and there's less repotting.

  . . . . .  more on LECA pebbles

Healthy Plants Means Fewer Insect Problems 

Hydroponic Herbs - watering plants

Accurate watering means healthy plants. Hydroponic plants use their natural resistance to repel insects and disease. 

Growing From Seeds

Planting into Hydroponic System

Tools for Growing Hydroponic Herbs
