by Martha
(Lakewood, NJ)
Transplanting an aloe plant from soil medium. After planting should it dry it out for awhile before adding water?
Aloe does very well in our hydro system and should transfer without incident.
The key to successful transplanting is to be stingy with the water at first. Using water gauge as a handle, lift plant and inner pot and take to sink. Run water through the pebbles. Return to outer pot - no standing water at the base. Repeat 1-2 times a week.
After 3-4 weeks start watering with water gauge - water only to 1/4 - 1/2 on gauge. Wait until plant is completely dry before rewatering - usually 2 weeks. If there's water in the bottom of the pot after 2 weeks dump it out and wait several days before rewatering - those roots need air!
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